cordon是什么意思 cordon的读音、翻译、用法
‘cordon’ 是英语单词,意为“警戒线、隔离线、封锁线”,常用于表示一定区域的临时限制,如警告、安全、隔离、保护等方面。
以下是含有 ‘cordon’ 的9个例句:
1. The police have put up a cordon around the area to keep people away from the crime scene. (警方已经设立了一个警戒线,以使人们远离犯罪现场。)
2. A cordon of soldiers stood guard outside the palace gates. (一排士兵守卫在宫殿门外。)
3. The fire department set up a cordon to prevent people from getting too close to the burning building. (消防部门设置了一个警戒线,以防止人们过于接近正在燃烧的建筑物。)
4. A cordon of security personnel surrounded the VIP during the event. (一排安保人员在活动期间包围了贵宾。)
5. The government has established a cordon sanitaire to prevent the spread of disease. (已经建立了隔离带,以防止疾病传播。)
6. The police were forced to cordon off the entire street due to a bomb threat. (由于威胁,警方封锁整个街道。)
7. Visitors are not allowed to cross the cordon without permission. (未经许可,参观者不能越过警戒线。)
8. The cordon is moved back each time the authorities establish a new perimeter. (每当当局建立新的范围时,警戒线都会向后移动。)
9. The police found a suspect hiding in a building inside the cordon. (警方在警戒线内的一幢建筑中发现了藏匿的嫌疑人。)